减压病 (DCS),通常被称为“潜水病”,是一种潜在的严重疾病,可能影响潜水员、飞行员和宇航员。它发生在体内溶解的气体(主要是氮气)从组织中逸出并形成气泡时。

Dear valued divers and friends,

Please be informed that Tioman Dive Buddy will be closed for the monsoon season starting from November 13, 2024. We look forward to welcoming you back when we reopen on March 1, 2025.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding. Stay safe, and we hope to dive with you again soon!

Warm regards,
The Tioman Dive Buddy Team


Tioman Dive Buddy 将于 2024年11月13日 起关闭,以应对季风季节。我们计划在 2025年3月1日 重新开放,期待与大家再次相聚。


Tioman Dive Buddy 团队